day : 05/12/2016 2 results

IBC Starts 15th Year Impacting Cedarville

The Integrated Business Core (IBC), part business course, part student organization and part fully functioning business, has begun its 15th year this semester. Started in 2002, IBC has been available to business department students during their junior year in the fall semester. Professors in the school of business administration Jon Austin and Jeff Guernsey, oversee the program, though the 27 members of the IBC run the business with minimal instruction. The IBC mission is threefold. The ...

SB 1146: The Battle for Religious Freedom

Legislators in California tried to pass a bill earlier this year that, in short, would have eliminated California students’ federal funding for attending religious universities that are exempt from certain discrimination laws. A softer version that Christian universities in California can live with recently passed. But Christian universities such as Cedarville fear that legislation such as California’s SB 1146 could lead to further laws that restrict religious liberties and eventually ...