day : 30/04/2017 6 results

A Life on Mission

Missionaries discuss what it means to have a career in missions by Keegan D’Alfonso and Josh Burris A career in missions looks different for everyone. Everyone also has a unique road to the field. However, there are a few things missionaries must accomplish before going overseas into the field. They have to go through training, raise support and find a missions agency to work through. Training can come in different forms. Some will go to college for education and missions training. ...

The Other Side of the Field

Missions perspectives from those who grew up overseas by Rebekah Erway and Emily Day For some students here at Cedarville, missions is more than just a concept or a future plan. These MKs, or missionary kids, and internationals have seen some of what the work of missionaries is like on the other side of the field. Growing up in the midst of missions gave them some insights about it. Some names and country names have been altered or withheld to protect those in secure locations. Abbie ...

GO Make Disciples

Learn how Global Outreach got started, how they are on mission today by Alexandria Hentschel and Paolo Carrion When Dr. Don Callan started his short-term missions program at Cedarville University 46 years ago, then called Missions Involvement Service (MIS), he was greeted with mixed responses. “I’ve had a couple pastors buy me lunch to chew me out,” Callan said. These pastors thought that the ministry was “stealing” money from full-time missionaries. What Callan knew, however, ...

Missions v. Ministry

Cedars explores the debate discussing the difference between missions and ministry by Callahan Jones It was this instruction from Jesus, “The Great Commission,” that sent Christianity out across the globe and it is the command that drives mission efforts today. Over the last several decades, there has been a shift in the church’s overall approach to missions. Partially kick-started with the coining of the term “10/40 Window” by Christian missionary strategist Luis Bush in ...

Athletes for Christ

Cedarville’s basketball team has been going to the mission field since 1971 by Josh Burris and Tim Miller The Cedarville men’s basketball team has been going on mission trips since the summer of 1971 when Dr. Don Callan was the team’s head coach. The idea for the Cedarville basketball mission trips came from Callan and retired Lt. Gen. Loren Reno, who was playing at the time. Callan went on a basketball mission trip to Taiwan when he was a player at Taylor University. Reno, Cedarvi...

Student Spotlight: Rachel Rowland – Intentional Mission

by Rebekah Erway Rachel Rowland, senior intercultural studies missiology major and leader of the New York City Evangelism spring break trip, recently appeared as Marian in Cedarville’s Winter production of “The Music Man.” Rowland said she tries to engage with the art and theatre communities in general. She has also been in women’s choir for four years and has volunteered to help with recitals and acting scenes for directing classes. “The arts are really important to me,” ...