Facebook Groups of Cedarville

by Keegan D’Alfonso

Starting college is intimidating. You have no idea what’s going on half the time, you’re in a brand-new place, and books cost how much!?

While social media shouldn’t be your only way to make friends as you start your college adventure, it is a great tool for staying informed of activities, sharing humorous stories, and buying or renting books from other students at a fraction of the price the CU bookstore will charge you.

Here are a few unofficial Cedarville Facebook pages that will keep you officially in the know.

Overheard at Cedarville

Overheard or oversaw something funny on campus? That’s so Cedarville, and we want to know about it. This is not a gossip site, but instead a way to tell funny stories and share a laugh. Remember that time you made your friend laugh so hard he shot milk out of his nose and you told everyone? It’s kind of like that.

Cedarville University Uncensored

Want to engage in lively discussion about policy, or get a few tips on how to maximize dorm space and learn a new Chuck’s recipe? This is the place for you. Members are able to engage in discussion on hard topics in a respectful manner that allows the variety of viewpoints at Cedarville to be shared in a way that is hopefully reflective of Christ and mutually edifying.

CU Textbook Sale Page

There are many places to obtain your textbooks for class, but often the cheapest way is to get them from those who took the class before you. Some classes are required for everyone, which means there are several used books looking for a good home. You save money and the student you buy from can afford another few cups of ramen, everybody wins.

Cedarville University Yardsale

Do you have something to sell that isn’t a textbook, or are you looking for some dorm room swag? This site is a great place to get some items on the cheap and sell some items you no longer want or never use. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure. Happy hunting!

Cedarville Whovians!

Almost as unknown as the Silence, the Cedarville Whovians is a group for Cedarville students who love to discuss anything Doctor Who. The group may seem small, but you’ll find it’s bigger on the inside than it appears. Allons-y!


Keegan D’Alfonso is a junior journalism major and the Editor-in-Chief for Cedars. He was a sergeant in the Marines and has a passion for intercultural communication.

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