day : 27/03/2018 3 results

The Games Within the Games:

International Politics and the Olympics by Breanna Beers The Olympics may be over, but the political games are just beginning. The Pyeongchang Winter Olympics were fraught with international maneuvering, from the conspicuous absence of the Russian colors to the high-profile participation of North Korean athletes alongside their South Korean hosts. The image of athletes from both North and South Korea marching as a unified team under a single flag has quickly become a famous one, leading many ...

Cedars: A Peek Behind the Stands

Following the path of creating a campus newspaper by Hannah Day Cedars, the student-run newspaper of Cedarville University, full of campus-relevant stories, appears on newsstands once a month during the school year. Students and faculty can pick up an issue from the stand or read them on the Cedars website for free. Getting the issue to the stands, however, is an arduous process that includes many people and several weeks of effort. Generating Ideas Story ideas come from either the ...

Highlights: Cedarmania

A visual recap of Cedarmania from this past weekend. Photos by Jessica St. Onge