day : 30/10/2018 2 results

North Carolina Churches Unite to Provide Relief

by Kassie Kirsch Hurricane Florence may have dissipated, but the damage in its wake is not so quick to go. The estimated cost of damage is at least $38 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal, and recovery for some states will likely take more than a year. The storm caused a total of 53 fatalities and left thousands of other people displaced from their homes. Now most of the temporary shelters are shutting down, leaving many people stuck with the choice of living in tents or their ...

Sign-up for Mission Trip Opportunities this Spring Break

by Bryson Durst Are you interested in serving on the missions field over spring break? If so, Global Outreach is offering sign ups for 2019’s spring break missions trips throughout the month of October. Students who have previously gone on these trips all had positive things to say. Ryan Merk, a junior who went to Memphis last year, mentioned how it was a great opportunity for “serving people” and to “have a great impact.” Sierra Ross, a sophomore who went to Peru last year, ...