STP Preview: ‘e-baby’

by Lauren McGuire

Natalia Kirychuk’s upcoming senior theater project “e-baby,” will be performed on Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. at Alford Auditorium.

Written by Jane Cafarella, ‘e-baby’ is an Australian play that has only been performed a handful of times. The entire play centers around a woman who cannot have children and her surrogate. One of the reasons that Kirychuk chose this specific play was the limited cast: a two-woman show.

“Motherhood is important to me because it’s what I consider my ‘main calling’ in life,” Kirychuk said. “While being a public relations representative is my dream job, it can’t compare to my desire to be a mother and raise a family.”

When she first came across ‘e-baby’ while searching through two-woman shows, she fell in love with it. She said she cries everytime she hears it, even though she has heard it multiple times.

“These are some really heavy issues and I really want to bring them to light,” Kirychuk said. “I just want to help people understand more about surrogacy and motherhood.”

Although neither of the two actresses in the play, Kimberlyn Wideman and Susanna Edwards, are theater majors, their ability to connect with the characterization of the play allows them to take directions incredibly well. The production itself is quite personal.

“I instantly wanted to do it,” Edwards said. “The themes that are incorporated are significant to me, being involved in the pro-life organization here on campus since freshman year.”

Edwards explained that Kirychuk brought a large significance to the project by taking both of the actresses to the biblical accounts of motherhood. Although the play itself does not put forth Christian values, Edwards said that the audience can still see a lot of truth in similar circumstances from the scriptures throughout the play. Since the cast is so small, it has a unique ability to convey the theme in a clear way.

Kirychuk noted that a two-woman show brings along a personable cast that can dive into the script easier than a large crew would be able to. Even though it is more personal, there are also challenges with a two-person cast. Although it is easier for the actors to get into character, they can also struggle if they are having an off day with reciting their lines or if they are struggling to show emotion.
“The storyline itself is just so precious to me and so beautiful. I can’t wait for people to be able to see it and understand these issues more clearly,” Kirychuk said.

Edwards believes that this production will be unique because it will stir thought provoking questions in the heart of the audience. For young adults, she believes that they often have the mindset that having a family is something they deserve, especially when they haven’t truly walked into the real world yet.

“If they come to the show, I hope they’ll be faced with just their own sense of entitlement that they might not even realize they feel towards towards the future,” Edwards said. “Hopefully …  they can redirect their priorities and recommit that part of their lives to God.”

Although admission is free, donations will be accepted for the Miami Women’s Center. They provide women with information and education along with alternatives for abortion.

“e-baby” will be performed on Oct. 26 at Alford Auditorium and is free to the public.

Lauren McGuire is a sophomore professional writing and information design major and writer for Cedars. She loves birthday cake ice cream, watching The Office and late night runs.

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