Campus Encourages Discipleship through 9Marks Pastors Conference

By Zach Krauss

This year, Cedarville and 9Marks Ministries worked together to host a Pastors Conference with the theme of discipleship and growth. On November 6th and 7th, students, pastors, and other ministry leaders heard from pastors such as Mark Dever, Garrett Kell, and Brian Davis.

The mission statement for this year’s conference is that “through biblical teaching and fellowship, the Cedarville University Pastors Conference with 9Marks will challenge, strengthen and encourage ministry leaders as they serve their church and community.” The conference consisted of chapel speakers and sermons, as well as sessions and seminars about specific areas of growth for those ministering in the church.

Assistant professor Jeremy Kimble lead a session on Wednesday entitled “Imitate me as I Imitate Christ: The Need for Godly Character in the Task of Discipleship.” During this discussion, professor Kimble was excited to share with the attendees about the significance of not just teaching about Jesus and His works, but also about emulating and being a model of who Christ is for the world to see.

Kimble said that one thing students received lessons on the significance and necessity of discipleship in the life of a healthy church through each of the sessions. He said one of the greatest lessons taught during conference was in chapel.

“The students in chapel learned about the how a disciple flees temptation and how to truly utilize Gospel-empowered discipling,” Kimble said. “I think seeing the Gospel as a power for our salvation and our Christian growth was extremely practical for the students.”

Along with the pastors conference, over 15 seminaries and Bible colleges were present on campus for the coinciding seminary fair open for Cedarville students interested in pursuing ministry vocationally.

Aaron Berry, a representative from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary in Allen Park, Michigan who works with young adults and college students at his church, says that he’s excited to see the way that conferences like this can help mold the faith of so many influencers for the Gospel. He specifically hopes that the conference will encourage and give passion to the students who attend.

“I was in their shoes not too long ago, and I remember in my college career the uncertainty of not knowing the next step,” Berry said. “Being able to see this conference help solidify the skills and plans of both students and pastors is really encouraging, and I hope that we’re able to help them overcome some of that uncertainty.”

Zach Krauss is a senior pharmacy/music double major from central Texas and campus reporter for Cedars. He loves music, theatre, biology, community, and meeting new people.

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