day : 15/12/2018 2 results

Book Review: ‘Skyward’

by Sarah Pennington Spensa Chaser may be the daughter of a coward, but she'll do anything to prove she isn't one herself. Fighting the shame of her father's failures in the Battle of Alta and the resulting stigma against her family, Spensa earns herself a spot in the Defiant Defense Force flight school. There, she trains to become a pilot so she can redeem herself and her family and maybe, just maybe, prove her father wasn't a coward after all. But when the truth proves far different than she ...

Creativity on Display: Campus Christmas Reviewed

by Sarah Pennington Ah, Campus Christmas. It’s the most exciting time of year at Cedarville, a chance to show the rest of campus just how creative you can be. Now, the winners for this year’s Campus Christmas open dorms have already been announced: Willett’s “The Terminal,” West’s “Mary Poppins,” the “Printy House Cinemas,” and Lawlor’s “Behind the Scenes.” But these aren’t the only halls worth mentioning. Let’s take a look at four other Campus Christmas setups ...