Fisher Duo Uses Performances to Inspire

by Michael Cleverly

Christopher Fisher established and directs a program called Project Inspirare because they want to reach this generation and the generation to come with a passion for classical music. 

One way Christopher and his wife, Katherine, try to do this is through public piano performances, like the one they gave Thursday in the Dixon Ministry’s Center Recital Hall. 

Christopher and Kathrine Fisher played about twenty-five songs by four different composers: Samuel Barber, Johannes Brahms, Claude Debussy and Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Christopher and Kathrine Fisher started playing together in 2002, when they met at grad school. 

 “It has been really natural,” Kathrine said, “and also gets better with years of playing together and playing some of the same pieces, they just ripen.” 

Christopher connected this with their rehearsals. 

“Most of the time in rehearsal we don’t really talk much,” he said. “It’s just communicating by gesture and using the music to communicate, even between the two of us.” 

The Fishers have performed in both the United States and the United Kingdom, from where they just returned after living there for two months. They said they enjoyed the warm welcome from the audiences there.  

Kathrine started taking piano lessons at six years old. Christopher started learning at four-and-a-half and returned every week because of the chocolate chip cookies his teacher made. Now both Fishers give lessons at Ohio University. 

Katherine uses Piano Safari, a teaching method that she co-created, with her students. This method, which students can begin at five years old, focuses on learning through repetition. 

“We believe God has given us the gift of music and music teaching as a means for sharing His love and grace with others.” they said. 

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