NASA-Themed Talent Show Prepares the Stage For the Stars of the Class of 2023

by Zach Krauss

The winning acts at this year’s New Student Talent Show involved “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and a Rubix cube. 

Students gathered in Stingers Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m. to watch freshmen and incoming transfer students compete in 10 acts for the most talented student at the NASA-themed performances. 

Balloons and colorful lights framed the five duo and five solo acts, all of which were musical except for the Rubix cube show. 

After each showing, audiences voted online for their favorite act. 

Freshman Talent Show MC, Tim Smith introduces the first act of the night. Photo by Lydia Lyons.

Ethan Doerstling won the 7 o’clock show with a piano performance involving renditions of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” in genres like murder mystery, Disney movie and modern pop.

Drew Brads and Thaddeus Krueger won the 9 o’clock showing with their Rubix cube performance. 

They asked for volunteers from the audience to randomize their Rubix cubes, and then solved the puzzle while juggling or blindfolded.

Krueger said his favorite part of the talent show was the camaraderie and the environment. He enjoyed competing in a context where everyone was pushing each other to success.

“I love being able to compete and just have a lot of fun doing it,” Krueger said. “We’re all followers of Jesus and we’re not pursuing the wrong things; they don’t care as much about winning, but more about having a great time.”

Kennedy Harless, senior Christian education and youth ministries major, said she enjoyed seeing new students confidently doing what they love. 

“I loved helping some of our new Yellow Jackets by having them share some of their God-given talent,” Harless said. “It can be such a scary experience, but the acts all did so well!”

Zach Krauss is a senior pharmacy/music double major from central Texas and campus reporter for Cedars. He loves music, theatre, biology, community and meeting new people.

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