Cedarville Professors Share Their Resolutions for the New Year

By Alex Hentschel

Though we often think of professors as the wisest and most mature people we know, they are humans who need to grow and learn too. We asked which professors you would like to hear from, and they responded with some of their hopes and wishes for the new year. Hopefully these can inspire conversations (and follow-ups) with them this semester.

All photos provided by Cedarville University

Daryl Smith: Business Administration

“I normally do not have any New Year’s resolutions. However, I have found Jonathan Edwards 70 lifetime Resolutions to be very inspiring and challenging. They can be found at the Desiring God website.”

Zac Benson: Art, Design & Theater

“My New Year’s resolution is to produce works of art that speak to real issues in our world and get those pieces in galleries and museums around the globe.”

Heather Heritage: Communication

“My resolution is to start the day with a positive attitude — choosing to focus on gratitude for the blessing of a new day. A positive start will impact how I interact with others and approach challenges, and put the focus back on being content in Christ.”

Derrick Green: Communication

“My New Year’s resolution is to make at least one person smile every day.”

Andrew Wonders: Business Administration

“In 2020 I want to run 1,000 miles. I will not speak of the speed with which I run these miles — just want to cover that distance!”

Katie Webb: Nursing

“Unfortunately, I don’t have any resolutions. In all the hustle and bustle, I simply haven’t had time to make any resolutions. Ha! Perhaps that should be my resolution – to have more down time!”

Jim Leightenheimer: Communication

“In the new year, I’m planning to pursue harder the life described in the words of Titus 2:2: ‘Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.’”

Heather Kuruvilla: Science and

“My motto for 2020 is ‘cultivate contentment”’ (Philippians 4:12). I hope this reminder will help me be a better steward of the resources God has entrusted me with, and remind me to have a grateful heart, even in circumstances where it is difficult to be ‘happy.’”

Daniel Clark: English, Literature & Modern Languages

“My New Year’s resolution will be to start adding content to my blog jesusincomics.com. Jesus has appeared in comic books and graphic novels almost from the beginning of the medium. I have quite a few ideas for posts, but finding the time to write those posts has been a bit of a challenge.”

Alex Hentschel is a senior International Studies and Spanish double major and the off-campus news editor for Cedars. She enjoys sociology, black coffee, and honest debate, preferably all at once.

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