Cedarville’s MBA Program Ranked Top 50 in U.S.

Founder hopes the young program will continue to grow

By Lydia Switzer

Cedarville’s MBA in Healthcare Administration was recently ranked as one of the top 50 online MBA programs in the United States. The factors taken into consideration for the ranking were tuition, student-to-faculty ratio and return on investment.

Cedarville’s online only MBA program began in the fall 2013 semester, and the Healthcare Administration program was added as one of five specializations in fall 2017.

The goal of he Healthcare Administration program is to provide a degree that combines business knowledge with healthcare expertise, and prepares the student to lead with a biblically ethical foundation.

Students can also receive MBAs in Business Analytics, Cybersecurity Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Operations Management.

John Delano is the associate dean for graduate programs in the School of Business Administration in addition to being an associate professor of IT Management.

He described his role in the MBA program as “oversee[ing] the budget, the curriculum, course scheduling and the hiring and allocation of faculty.”

For Delano, the healthcare concentration in the MBA program made sense for Cedarville.

“We believed it would be a popular choice for our incoming students, and because Cedarville is already known for its strong healthcare programs, so it was a natural fit with our mission,” he said.

The program is perfect for those looking to have a leadership role in healthcare, Delano said.

Some of the students in Healthcare Administration are also in the Pharm.D. program.

“Many of them hope to start their own pharmacy business in the future,” he said.

Currently, there are about 16 students in the concentration.

In terms of change for the program, there is also a graduate certificate available for the Healthcare Administration program.

“The certificate allows students to complete a 12-credit graduate program in Healthcare Administration without needing to complete the entire MBA degree,” Delano said. “This is beneficial for someone who already has a graduate degree and is looking to change careers or simply to get some continuing education.”

The Healthcare MBA program is young, and there is room for growth and evolution within the concentration, as well as the MBA program as a whole.

Delano mentioned the possibility of a dual MSN/MBA degree, as well as adding a concentration in Ministry Leadership.

Lydia Switzer is a sophomore Political Science student. When she is not studying, she enjoys playing the euphonium in Cedarville’s Wind Symphony and competing with the debate team.

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