day : 27/09/2021 2 results

An Overview of President Joe Biden’s Term to Date

By Esther Fultz According to Gallup poll results released Aug. 20, American opinions regarding President Joe Biden are very mixed.  Following the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, 49% of Americans were in favor of Biden while 51% did not support him or were unsure on their stance. Dr. Robert Clark, Assistant Professor of History, pointed to Biden’s recent decision to share nuclear technology with Australia as a positive aspect of Biden’s presidency.  While the decision did come ...

The Benefits of Coffee

By Esther Fultz According to a 2013 study from the University of New Hampshire Scholars Repository, 90% of the adult population consumes caffeine on a regular basis.  Among college students, the main source of caffeine consumption is coffee.  Why is coffee such a popular drink?   Senior Biblical studies major Zach Leitch says he drinks two to three cups of coffee on an average day, particularly when he has morning classes to attend.  “I like the taste of it, which I know not everyone ...