What To Do In Quarantine

by Anna Harman

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of abnormalities in the past two years. Isolating from friends and family can be heartbreaking and even more frustrating. Although being in quarantine doesn’t mean that you have to allow yourself to sulk in the seemingly endless feeling of being alienated from society. You can instead choose to be positive and use this time to be productive. If you need some inspiration on how to be productive in quarantine, then here are just a few ideas. 

1. Get things done that you have been procrastinating ~

This could mean that you finally organize your room, your desktop, your phone, or that you finally wash all of your bedding and make your bed. Maybe you need to catch up on laundry, write a birthday card to someone or apply for some jobs. Use this time you have to remember the things that you’ve been pushing off for a while! 

2. Text or call friends and family to stay connected ~

It’s important to stay connected to family and friends over the phone or possibly even through handwritten letters. This helps improve your state of mind while you may feel stuck in quarantine or left out of society temporarily. 

Hannah Salyer (Top left) participated in a huge zoom call with friends from all over the country

3. Watch movies/tv-shows you haven’t had time to watch  ~

There are so many shows and movies that people save to their watchlist and haven’t watched. While you’re in quarantine, pick a show to binge-watch or maybe even a movie series you want to see! 

4. Work ahead on homework instead of staring at the ceiling  ~

If you get all caught up on homework that is due the week you’re in isolation, work ahead! It might not seem like the most fun option. But if you work ahead, then you’ll have more time to dedicate to the bigger assignments and projects later in the semester. If that doesn’t motivate you, think of how much time you’d have to spend with friends and family once you get released from quarantine!

5. Start a Bible study with a group of people ~

Being in isolation provides a great opportunity for you to focus on your faith. Start a Bible study that you can participate in. “Don’t wish the days away while you’re in quarantine,” says Seth Hering, a sophomore at Cedarville University. “Use each day to grow closer to the Lord and wonder what you can learn from being there.”

6. Play games or exercise

If you can physically distance, play games like Spikeball or throw a football outside with somebody. Maybe even go on walks periodically to ensure your body is still getting to move around while you’re quarantining. “The best part of my day was probably going on a walk,” says Cedarville sophomore Julia Peterson,  “it was nice to get fresh air and it was sunny!”

Seth Hering (not pictured) played spike ball with a group of friends outside of Faith Hall while in quarantine

7. Create Pinterest boards for your wedding, future home, etc. ~

This might not be for everyone. Although it can be fun to plan for the future or simply just dream up what you might want it to look like. 

            8. Tap into your childhood ~

Go back to being a kid for a little bit. Color, play computer games you played as a kid, watch movies you loved as a child, etc. It can be fun to remember how much fun you used to have doing these things.

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