day : 03/10/2022 3 results

‘Andor’s’ Three-Episode Premiere is a Breath of Fresh Air

By Ben Konuch “There comes a time when the risk of doing nothing becomes the greatest risk of all." I’m a massive “Star Wars” fan and have been for as long as I can remember. I would play with my brother’s “Star Wars” Legos when I was little, grew up on “The Clone Wars,” and sunk into the extended lore of books and video games as I became a teenager. As a diehard fan, however, the last few years of “Star Wars” content have been hit or miss. We’ve had the controv...

Sam Acosta: A Passion for Theatre Being Studied and Put to Use

By Zoe Ekeh Sam Acosta’s interest in acting started when he was in eighth grade. In his homeschool co-op, he had to act in a play for speech class. This led to him starring as the lead in the play “Much Ado About Nothing” by William Shakespeare. “It was a really weird experience,” Acosta said. “I hadn’t done much acting before, but I fell in love with it right away.” After this first play, Acosta asked his co-op if they could do a high school play and his request was ...

“Rings of Power” Begins to Put Together the Pieces

By Janie Walenda As you might expect from an episode titled “Partings,” the fifth episode of “Rings of Power” finds several characters parting ways or forging a new path. For an episode filled with so much change and plot progression, I don’t understand how it feels like nothing happened. We’ve officially crossed the midway point of this season, and while I’m enjoying “Rings of Power” as much as ever, I feel as though I’m running out of things to talk about. My ...