‘Scrooge: A Christmas Carol’ isn’t the best, but is no humbug either

By Laci Strouse

“Scrooge: A Christmas Carol” is a cheerful and family-friendly Christmas movie. You can feel the holiday spirit throughout the film. Unlike the other versions of the story, this one is aimed at entertaining children. This is the perfect Christmas movie to watch with young children and to brighten their day.

Despite the cheerful jolly vibe, the opening song, “I Love Christmas,” felt awkward and pushy. Ebenezar Scrooge is immediately seen as being rude to the townspeople, which I enjoyed because this helps demonstrate Scrooge’s early character more than in other versions. Scrooge acknowledges why he hates Christmas and is straightforward. 

Scrooge does have some songs which take away from his harsh personality being displayed. I don’t think the song should’ve been incorporated into the film, even though the song was mean. It just feels a little forced and thrown in, which is true of quite a few of the songs. 

Tim was introduced early on as a very sweet and charming young boy. It is easy to feel his suffering in the film, which creates a sincere and heartfelt connection. 

We are also introduced to the spirits early on. When we meet each spirit, a sense of fear is presented. It had creepy moments that very young children shouldn’t watch. Despite that, it is still tame and tolerable for most children compared to others such as “A Christmas Carol (2009).” 

The ghost of Christmas Past is one of the characters I found most interesting. The ghost is seen as a candle in the form of a woman. She can shapeshift to other beings, but this as well took away from the effect. I personally think the animation should’ve been less human-like and more of a candle.

“Scrooge: A Christmas Carol” is filled with fun and engagement for younger viewers. If you’re looking for a light-hearted movie to put you in the holiday mood, this will do it. It is musical and filled with vivid colors which give it a youthful feel. The intense aspects of the original story are removed, leaving songs, comedy, and a great plot to keep children entertained. However, if you are looking for a movie that feels like a classic Christmas movie, then I wouldn’t recommend it. The efforts to make it engaging took away from the classic feel the older movies gave off.

There are some themes presented that Christians need to be mindful of which do not align with Christian principles.  In one song young Scrooge sings, “Happiness is whatever you want it to be.” This takes away from the truth which is that your joy should come from the Lord and could lead to confusion and false theology. I would also be mindful of the ghosts that are presented in the movie. It’s part of the classic story but is something to be mindful of.

It’s important to watch this movie with a biblical mindset and to help clarify confusion with the younger generation. There are still positive themes shown in the film, like the importance of being kind and that anyone can change. “Scrooge: A Christmas Carol” does a wonderful job of showing viewers it’s possible for anyone to change.

The movie comes to an end with a new and improved Scrooge. His heart has been renewed with hope, happiness, and the magic of Christmas. There is a clear and wonderful contrast in Scrooge’s personality from the beginning to the very end. I just wished they showed more of his renewed heart at the end of the movie.

While “Scrooge: A Christmas Carol” isn’t likely to win the hearts of classic Christmas movie lovers, it is certain to be favorable in the eyes of the younger generation. Going in, I wasn’t expecting so many songs and I think it would be better off not being a musical. The plot itself is wonderful along with the character development of Scrooge. The animation is very well done and filled with bright and vivid colors. It is also very festive and great for getting into the Christmas spirit. It isn’t the best, but it’s no humbug either.

“Scrooge: A Christmas Carol” is now streaming on Netflix

Laci Strouse is a freshman Professional Writing and Information Design major as well as a reporter for the Cedars. She enjoys reading Christian Novels, embroidering, running, and golfing with her brothers.

Photos courtesy of Netflix

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