day : 30/03/2023 2 results

Cedarville Students’ Involvement in Local Churches

By Anna Harman Many students make it a priority to attend and get involved in a local church during their time here at Cedarville University. When students get involved in the local church, they build relationships, foster their faith in God, learn what it means to serve, and gain more insight into what it means to be an active part of a church body.  Brianna Pacecca, junior Civil Engineering major, attends Crossroads Christian Church in Washington Court House, Ohio. It is about 30 ...

On Spring Weather 

By Heidie (Raine) Senseman  April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain. -T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land Let’s begin with a brief lesson in literary interpretation. When T.S. Eliot wrote of April’s cruelty in his five-part, 434-line poetic masterpiece, he wrote with a mixture of irony and sincerity. Ironic: that April’s renewal and life strike us as more nurturing than cruel. Sincere: ...