Cedarville University launches new Synergy Initiative

By Avonlea Brown

On March 15 at 10 a.m., Cedarville University president Dr. Thomas White stepped onto the Jeremiah Chapel stage and made an announcement.

“Today we are announcing the launch of the Synergy Initiative,” he said.

A video introducing the initiative preceded the announcement, then Vice President of Mobilization for Send Network Dr. Mike Carter followed with a sermon. Carter’s sermon, which was continued the next day, touched on the need for and importance of church planting and discipleship. 

Four workshops were held during the day with various speakers from across the nation. 

The Synergy Initiative has been planned for several years. University leaders, the Global Outreach office, the Bible department and others make efforts every year to get students to participate in discipleship and the local church. Dr. Jeremy Kimble felt there was a need for a unity of these efforts. 

“We came to the conclusion that a center would be good to focus these various efforts to really encourage the mobilization of trained students so they can go out and help multiply healthy churches together,” Kimble said.

Church planting and discipleship are two focuses at Cedarville. Students are required to take a Bible minor and learn all other topics with a biblical worldview integrated into them. The Synergy Initiative is the next step students can take to begin living their lives according to The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. 

“Everyone is going to graduate, everyone is going somewhere,” Kimble said. “So why not think strategically and go with others from this campus and look to invest and contribute in church plants and revitalization efforts all across the country and world.”

The same night as the chapel announcement, more than 200 students packed into BTS 104 for a panel with information on how students could get involved. Church planters from Boston, Columbus and Syracuse sat on the panel, answering questions from students and sharing their involvement in church planting.

The next event is planned for April 5, when another panel will be hosted in BTS 101 by the President of Pillar Network Nate Atkin, and more church-plant leaders. In the next few years, the Synergy Initiative will host events and create opportunities for students to get involved with existing church-plants and even begin their own.

“Our hope is that over the next number of years, we will see students going strategically,” Kimble said, “and we can see the impact through disciples made and churches multiplied.”

Avonlea Brown is a sophomore Journalism major and the Campus News Editor for Cedars. She enjoys reading, traveling, and learning new things.

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