Cedarville Students Impacted by Rising Gas Prices in the Miami Valley

by Anna Harman

Gas prices continue to rise in the Miami Valley. Currently, the average gas price for the Dayton area is about $3.58, and this could increase to $4 by May or June. This increase is caused by several factors. One is the shift to summer gasoline, which generally ranges more expensive. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries also announced cuts over the weekend that pushed up the cost of a gallon of gas for Americans. 

“The price of gas constantly increasing is disappointing and frustrating. Especially when we are in a recession, and there are options that can be taken to make gas cheaper such as opening the pipeline that was closed in 2021,” said Junior Marketing major, Mitchell Smith. 

He argues that the same amount of gas is being consumed, but we are just purchasing it from foreign sources. This is problematic because it helps foreign economies at a detriment to our own, and, additionally, the US is one of the cleanest producers of gas.

“The price of gas affects me by limiting what I can do, where I can go, raising prices on everything we consume, and adding unnecessary stress into my life,” Smith said. “As a student who receives next to no assistance from my parents, it means that I have to say no to a lot of things that my friends can say yes to.” 

He tries to save money by being very selective about when and where he drives, and by filling his car with gas in increments and only when he needs gas.

Junior Industrial Design major, Caleb Cullins, also sees the detrimental effects of the increasing gas prices in his own life.

 “The constant price increase is annoying and causing my already tight budget to be stretched even more,” said Cullins. 

Increasing gas prices affect his freedom to do the things he wants to do and he has to cut back on a lot of extra expenses because he has to account for the cost of filling the tank. 

College students already have limited funds to dedicate to fun and extra expenses, so the increase in gas prices is taking a toll on many students today. Hopefully, prices will start lowering soon.  

Anna Harman is a junior Biblical Studies major and also a reporter for Cedars. She appreciates writing, peppermint tea, flowers, and going to concerts.

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