Dr. Roper
By Janie Walenda
Dr. Kevin Roper was a Professor of Mathematics at Cedarville University for over twenty years and spent sixteen of those years serving with the Cedarville Township Volunteer Fire Department. Since most of the volunteers are college students, there is always a need for more long-term members.
“It really is a very good opportunity to take care of the community you live in,” Roper said, pointing out both the tangible and intangible ways that the fire department serves the people of Cedarville. “Entwined with everything Jesus did while he was here, he served people who can’t take care of themselves. That’s what we’re called to.”

Dr. Brown
By Avonlea Brown
The arts have always been a part of Assistant Professor of Education Dr. Megan Brown’s life, beginning with her first play in second grade and continuing through her sixth year of teaching at Cedarville University. Brown danced, acted and sang until her job and family took priority in her life.
In the last year and a half, Brown has resurrected her passion for selling her pieces on Etsy. She sells paintings, drawings and desk calendars. Because her schedule remains busy, she only takes on what she can handle in a semester which usually falls between one to two projects.
“My husband is very artistic as well and he has pieces down in Beans and Cream,” Brown said. “Being able to do that with my husband has been really great, it is nice to do something that is not a part of my job in that way.”

Dr. Kohl
By Avonlea Brown
Senior Professor of Computer Engineering Dr. Clint Kohl spends his summers and breaks doing a plethora of water activities. Kohl was first inspired to get into watersports by his wife, who grew up by the water. Now the two of them travel either with family or by themselves to locations across and outside the country to water ski, snorkel, scuba dive and drift dive.
“There’s a whole world under there that God has made and so few of us get to experience it,” Kohl said.
Kohl and his wife got scuba-certified in Cozumel, Mexico for one of their early wedding anniversaries and have traveled to several locations in the US to dive.
“We have talked about visiting Australia and making it to the Great Barrier Reef,” Kohl said. “But the flight sounds a bit scary.”

Dr. DeWitt
By Esther Fultz
In her spare time, Professor of Psychology Dr. Kristin DeWitt, relaxes and enjoys God’s creation through her hobby of snorkeling.
Although she grew up on Lake Michigan, DeWitt did not start snorkeling until she moved to Florida. Since then, she has snorkeled in various places including the Florida Keys, the Cayman Islands, Costa Maya, Belize, and La Paz.
“It helps me with balance,” DeWitt said. “After the school year, I need the summer to help me recoup and start afresh. Oftentimes, I snorkel with friends so it’s good to be with them and fellowship and enjoy each other’s company as well.”
Although DeWitt is not able to snorkel on the weekends now at Cedarville like she used to when she taught in Florida, she is able to enjoy other outdoor activities throughout the school year.
“It’s good for me to be outside,” DeWitt said. “I enjoy God’s creation here by hiking and riding my bike and going for walks, and I’m able to praise him by what I see.”

Prof. Huff
By Esther Fultz
George Huff, Senior Professor of Social Work, started water skiing after his younger brother introduced him to the sport. When he moved from New York to teach at Cedarville, he and his wife purchased a house on Lake Shawnee in Jamestown and his interest in water activities developed from there.
Huff purchased a jet ski when his daughters were students at Cedarville. Eventually, he sold it to buy his first boat, and he currently owns his second boat, a ski boat. Huff enjoys using it to ski the slalom course, which is a step up from regular skiing that involves maneuvering around obstacles on one ski rather than two.
For Huff, his boat is not just a hobby – it is also a ministry to the student body at Cedarville.
“I just so enjoy being on the water and appreciating God’s handiwork of creation and the peace that I get from being on the water,” Huff said. “I wanted to be able to share that with others so we would ask people over and started to include students. My social work students would spread the word to their friends and they would come. In my time here, I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of students over to my house.”

Dr. Dickson
By Esther Fultz
In his spare time, Dr. Dickson enjoys both photography and music.
His interest in photography sparked back in seventh grade after he
has a passion for both music and photography. His interest in photography dates back to seventh grade, when a teacher took him under his wing and introduced him to the topic.
“In those days, we had a lot of film, and I still shoot film and digital,” Dickson said. “To this day, I have a dark room in my home so I can develop my own pictures. When digital first came out, I was reluctant to use it because I had grown up with film, but they’ve refined it so much since then.
In addition to photography, Dickson plays both steel string and classical guitar. He leads worship at the beginning of his classes, sometimes recruiting students or lab assistants to play other instruments along with him.
“My students really love singing in class,” Dickson said. “At home, I play guitar all the time too. Sometimes when I have to prepare a lecture and I’m glued to that guitar, my wife has to pull me away from it.”

Esther Fultz is a senior Social Work major and the Off Campus Editor for Cedars. When she’s not writing or editing for Cedars she enjoys thrifting, making coffee, exploring new places, and spending time with friends.
Janie Walenda is a junior Global Business major and the A&E editor for Cedars. She is passionate about musicals, animation and cold brew. When she isn’t obsessing over her own nerdy interests, she’s usually absorbing her friends’ nerdy interests.
Avonlea Brown is a junior Broadcasting, Digital Media, and Journalism major from a small town in Maine. She is the co-editor of Campus News for Cedars Student News and currently working towards going abroad to study international journalism. She likes reading, travel, and learning new things.
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