Serving Others: The Cedarville fire department in action

Who are these men and women? Take a look behind the scenes and get to know them, what they do, and their mindset. Putting out fires, They are there in your worst moments, they help the community. To find out more information visit or call (937) 766-5851

When you ask a kid what they want to be when they grow up, many will say a firefighter. The flaring sirens, the bright flashing lights, and a truck speeding past on the road. A child looks at firefighters with fascination and wonder, dreaming about one day becoming like them.

The people at the Cedarville Volunteer Fire Department, located in Cedarville, Ohio, have turned this dream into a reality for them. Their heroism and courage empower them to rescue and assist others in their greatest time of need.

The department not only strives to serve but actively embodies the selflessness required of its members.

With just two full-time staff members, their operational success relies heavily on volunteers. Many of these volunteers are students from Cedarville University, contributing their time and effort to keep the fire department functioning seamlessly. In return, they gain valuable EMT training and other essential skills, all while making an impact on the community they serve.

Behind the scenes, these local firefighters and volunteers are committed and selfless. Take a closer look at their stories by scanning the QR code below to watch the film.

Filmed and edited by Josephine Schmidt-Krayer

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