Senior Sunday: Hannah Hoffer

By Esther Fultz

Hannah Hoffer is a senior pharmacy student at Cedarville University. After graduating from her undergraduate program in May, she will go on to complete her doctorate in pharmacy here at Cedarville. While she does not know exactly what her plan is after that, she is considering working in retail, a hospital or possibly completing a residency.

During her time at Cedarville, Hoffer has grown spiritually. Attending chapel has been a great way for her to notice different things about her relationship with the Lord and recognize that growth.

“When I first came in freshman year, my relationship with the Lord was very minimal,” Hoffer said. “I don’t think I really understood what a relationship with God looked like because often our churches just tell us to do these things but I don’t think we understand the importance of reading our Bibles and praying and interacting with other people. My Bible classes really gave me a better appreciation, especially Dr. Estes’s class. He taught us how to break down the Bible and study it and try to grasp some of the concepts rather than just skimming the surface.”

Hoffer’s favorite things about Cedarville all fall under the umbrella of community. One way she has seen this is in her interactions with Cedarville’s incredible faculty and staff.

“Cedarville is not about the place, it’s about the environment,” Hoffer said. “You can be sitting in the hallway, and the [faculty and staff] will intentionally try to form relationships with you and joke around with you and have fun and help you at the same time. They just want the best for you and I very much appreciate that.”

Although Hoffer lives on campus now, she appreciated the community she found through her bro-sis earlier on, particularly in her freshman and sophomore years of college.

“That’s the experience I want everyone to have,” Hoffer said. “We did bro-sis camping and ice-skating. There’s so many memories and it also taught me how to be a better communicator with people because you’re kind of just forced to socialize with people. Even when it’s awkward, you end up forming relationships and friendships and it’s great.”

Many of Hoffer’s favorite memories are centered around the friendships she has formed and the people who welcomed her early on in her college journey.

“I think my favorite memory was when I did silent disco for the first time sophomore year in the fieldhouse,” Hoffer said. “We had a concert afterwards where we continued to scream and sing and jump around and all of our legs were sore the next day. Another good memory I have is how when I was a freshman there were sophomores in our hall and they kind of took me in as their friend, and one of them had a projector and we would watch movies on Friday nights sometimes.”

Hoffer advises freshmen to step outside of their comfort zones and not to be afraid to connect with new people and experience new things.

“My advice to freshmen would be three simple words: don’t be afraid,” Hoffer said. “Talk to upperclassmen, your fellow classmates, your RA, your professors. It might be scary at first because they know a lot more than you do, but that’s a good thing because we need help. They’re just like tools for you and if you don’t use them, I feel like that’s a waste of your time here.”

Esther Fultz is a senior Social Work major and the Off Campus Editor for Cedars. When she’s not writing or editing for Cedars she enjoys thrifting, making coffee, exploring new places, and spending time with friends.

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