Senior Sunday: Aubree Whicker

By Esther Fultz

Aubree Whicker is a senior Allied Health Pre-PA major at Cedarville University. After graduating, she will be in Cedarville’s PA program for the next two years. 

Over the past four years at Cedarville, Whicker has made a lot of memories. Some of her favorites include dissecting a pig in an anatomy lab, taking a trip to Missouri with her friends, and petting puppies at Petland in Beavercreek. She loves Cedarville’s beautiful campus and loves hammocking and doing other fun activities outdoors with her friends.

Whicker works for the Global Outreach office, which has been one of her favorite aspects of her time at Cedarville. She appreciates the ways she has been encouraged to grow and pursue Christ by the staff there.

“The community and the staff really care about you and they want you to succeed while you are here,” Whicker said. “They want to do everything they can to help you and mentor you and prepare you to go out after graduation and serve the Lord in all that you do.”

Cedarville’s emphasis on discipleship in general is something that Whicker appreciates and has personally benefited from during her time here. When she reflects back to her walk with the Lord freshman year, she considers herself a completely different person.

“I probably would’ve said I was saved but I wasn’t really living it,” Whicker said. “I think just being in an environment like Cedarville has helped me refine my faith, and really understand what I believe and honestly come to true salvation in the Lord. It’s amazing to see the transformation of coming in and not really knowing if God was truly real and if I could have a relationship with him to now having such an intimate relationship with him that I trust His power and sovereignty of my life.”

Whicker is currently in a theology class with Dr. Kira, and has been amazed being reminded of the vastness and the depths of God.

“I think it gives me more of a heartfelt awe for who he really is and just the fact that he wants to have a relationship with us,” Whicker said. “I can know him and He knows me and I can come to Him with everything. And I don’t have to rely on myself, I can rely on other people.”

Whicker would advise other students to embrace all the seasons of life they may experience while at Cedarville – the good and the not-so-good.

“Embrace the struggle because you’re going to have struggles but through the struggle God is going to work in so many incredible ways,” Whicker said. “You’re going to come out of this place with so much more love and so much more passion to follow God and do what he wants you to do. You might come in just focused on yourself and serving yourself but you’ll come out focused on God and serving him. So don’t shy away from those hard experiences or hard classes, and really seek out relationships that will help you grow and where you can pour into others.”

Whicker also advises students not to be afraid to reach out for help when they need it.

“Sometimes it can seem like everyone around you has it all together, but when you really get to know them you’ll understand they don’t have it all together,” Whicker said. “So yeah, don’t be afraid to ask for help. And don’t waste [your time here] because you’ll be graduating in a flash!”

Esther Fultz is a senior Social Work major and the Off Campus Editor for Cedars. When she’s not writing or editing for Cedars she enjoys thrifting, making coffee, exploring new places, and spending time with friends.

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