Senior Sunday: Abby Brads

By Esther Fultz

Abby Brads is a senior studio art major at Cedarville University. She is grateful for the time she spent at Cedarville, the ways she has grown as a student, and the ways Cedarville has prepared her for her future.

“I like that [Cedarville] prepares students to be disciples in the workplace,” Brads said. “It prepares them to exemplify Jesus outside of Cedarville after they go to college.”

In particular, Brads appreciates how the Bible minor unifies students in their understanding of the Gospel. She also appreciates the community Cedarville cultivates.

“I know that’s a pretty basic answer,” Brads said. “But I like the professors and it’s just kind of a safe place.”

She is also thankful for the community within her major and the ways she has grown professionally.

“I’ve appreciated working alongside Christians and developing the right skills in art,” Brads said. “My classes are really community based so just hanging out with people who have similar goals in mind as me and pursuing art alongside them has been rewarding.”

Post-college, Brads will be living locally with her husband, Alan, who will be a regional manager for a youth flag football company and a freelance writer. 

“I plan to continue making art on my own as an independent artist,” Brads said. “I also want to be a mom – I’m married and I want to grow our family.”

In addition to professional growth and establishing future plans throughout college, Brads solidified her understanding of what being a believer means and what following Christ in her life looks like practically. 

“I think since graduating high school my faith has really become my own and it’s not just my parents,” Brads said. “I learned to seek God on my own and I think Cedarville has been a part of that, not entirely, but it is a part of that.”

Brads would advise freshmen to keep an open mind and an open heart regarding what their college experience will look like.

“I feel like a lot of people going to Cedarville and going into college in general go in just thinking it’s going to be the best four years of their life, like it’s going to be great fun and you’re going to make a lot of friends,” said Brads. “In reality, it’s going to be different for everyone and it might be challenging for some and it might be better for some.”

She would encourage current students that regardless of what their college experiences look like, the Lord will guide and grow them through what they encounter.

“God has what will make you a better disciple and more like Christ and he will put you through what he needs to put you through,” Brads said. “Just know that He is in control.”

Esther Fultz is a senior Social Work major and the Off Campus Editor for Cedars. When she’s not writing or editing for Cedars she enjoys thrifting, making coffee, exploring new places, and spending time with friends.

Photo provided by Abby Brads

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