Senior Sunday: Grace Burch

By Esther Fultz

Grace Burch is a senior psychology student at Cedarville University. When reflecting on the past four years, she most appreciates the spiritual growth and transformation she has experienced.

“I’d say obviously the focus on Christ is the biggest thing for me,” Burch said. “And kind of going off that is the community here, it’s something that’s been really transformative in my time at Cedarville. The friendships that I’ve made and the professors that I’ve met and mentors have really shaped me to be who I am today as a follower of Christ.”

Burch also appreciates the ways her time at Cedarville has grown her both professionally and spiritually and how intertwined these two areas have been.

“Seeing all the disciplines we have here through a biblical worldview and lens have been so helpful for me knowing what kind of counselor I want to be,” Burch said. “I can’t be a good counselor apart from God and having the opportunity to have professors that are so grounded in their faith and theologically sound curriculum in our classes is something I’m really thankful for as I’m moving forward to what’s next.”

Burch has also grown in her leadership skills through various roles on campus such as RA and DL.

“Cedarville does a really good job of preparing everyone [for leadership] and leadership here looks different than what the world says it looks like,” Burch said. “Leadership in a biblical, Christ-honoring sense is learning how to put others’ needs above your own and putting yourself below so you can serve others. I’ve witnessed really great leadership and I think it’s one of the biggest ways I’ve grown in how I view things.”

After graduation, Burch will be working as a girls’ ministry director at a church in Florida that she interned at for the past two summers. Later down the road, she hopes to work as a Christian counselor.

“I’ve been praying through it a lot,” Burch said. “Some aspects of moving down there are scary but it’s also really exciting and I look forward to it.”

Esther Fultz is a senior Social Work major and the Off Campus Editor for Cedars. When she’s not writing or editing for Cedars she enjoys thrifting, making coffee, exploring new places, and spending time with friends.

Photo provided by Grace Burch

1 Reply to "Senior Sunday: Grace Burch"

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    Dr.Mousavi April 15, 2024 (11:53 am)

    Dear Esther Fultz,

    Thank you for your thoughtful portrayal of Grace Burch’s experiences at Cedarville University. It’s enlightening to see how her academic and spiritual journeys have intertwined, highlighting the profound impact of a community rooted in faith. Your article beautifully captures the essence of her growth and aspirations, providing a source of inspiration and reflection for many.

    Warm regards