Campus News 391 results

The Collaborative Holds Open Forum For Student Input

by Zach Krauss The Cedarville administration’s master-plan consultants hosted an open forum in the recital hall for students to give input on the 10-year master plan for the university on Monday, October 16. The forum was led by Benjamin Hoffmann, Philip Enderle, and Mike DiNardo, all employees of The Collaborative, which is the company that Cedarville is working alongside to forge the university’s master plan. Hoffmann is a senior design professional, while DiNardo and Enderle are ...

Cedarville Celebrates 500th Anniversary of Reformation

By Allison White The Bible department has several events planned on Oct. 31 for the student body in order to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. What society now calls the Reformation was sparked on Oct. 31, 1517 when Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk, nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Catholic church. Luther attacked the Catholic church’s abuse of Indulgences, called for reform from corruption and false teaching, and eventually translated the Bible so ...

Spring Break Trips

By Kristen Farley This week, observant students have noticed the long lines of Global Outreach tables set up in the lower SSC. The recruitment process has begun for this year’s spring break mission trips, and the itinerary for this year includes locations both old and new. This is the first year that Ecuador is on the list. In fact, it is something near and dear to Cedarville’s own, junior nursing major Priscilla Gonzalez. She was born and raised in Ecuador, and through her parent’s ...

Town Hall Meeting Serves as Forum for Discussion

By Keegan D’Alfonso Dorm construction and the planning process for chapel were major points of interest at Cedarville’s Thursday night Town Hall meeting. Cedarville President Dr. Thomas White and his wife Joy White, assistant professor of women’s studies, answered students’ questions on topics ranging from favorite date night to why the guys are roughing it in Lawlor while the girls get brand new dorms with high ceilings and larger rooms. Dr. White addressed a number of questions ...

Cedars Vision and Goals for the 2017/18 School Year

Cedars videographer Erica Zichi interviews Cedars Editor-in-Chief Keegan D'Alfonso, Faculty Advisor Jeff Gilbert, and Digital & Design Editor Callahan Jones on their vision for Cedars during the 2017/18 school year.    

New Horizons

Cedarville’s new newsroom offers professional opportunities to students, helps market university by Rebekah Erway Multiple departments of Cedarville University have partnered to build an on-campus newsroom which offers students, and the university as a whole, new opportunities. Located in Library 022, the newsroom has a green screen, two studio cameras, a 14-channel recording mixer, studio lighting and more. The new room offers the ability to do live reports on news programs at local TV ...

Cedarville’s New Student Talent Show Has New Venue

By Brianna Saucier The recently renovated Stinger’s will hold the New Student Talent Show on Saturday, September 23 as an America’s-Got-Talent-style competition. The talent show, put on by joint Sophomore through Senior Class Councils, has previously been held in the Cedarville Opera House on Main Street. At that time, ticket prices went towards renting the Opera House, but now, admission is free for all students. While freshmen and transfers are the only ones allowed to take part in ...

Rinnova Revamped over Summer

By Zach Krauss Over the summer Cedarville renovated Rinnova, the campus’s only coffee shop, as part of the larger renovation of the lower Stevens Student Center. Rinnova has been on campus for more than 10 years, and it hadn’t had an upgrade since its opening. The renovation involved adding a counter extension and a second line and register, separating drip brew coffee and teas from other types of drinks such as smoothies and lattes. Rachel Street, senior social work major and the ...

Solar Eclipse At CU

Students gather outside the ENS observatory on August 21 to see the first coast-to-coast solar eclipse in 99 years. Telescopes with solar filters were set up on the lawn, and eclipse glasses were also provided. The event was also projected on a screen inside the observatory. Although the full eclipse itself did not occur until around 2:30 p.m., people began arriving on site as soon as 1 p.m. in hopes of securing a good viewing spot. Photos by sophomore student Lauren Jacobs

Getting Started Weekend – Sting Groups and Jacket Jaunt

Hear about the Getting Started activities in this video by Erica Zichi.