Cedars | Freshman Issue 18
Freshman Issue 18 8 results

Do’s and Dont’s of Cedarville

by Tim Miller College is scary. You don’t know anyone and you don’t know as much as you thought you did. I bet you thought you wouldn’t be able to find an edgy and concise article documenting what you should and should not do at Cedarville, didn’t you? Well, you were wrong, and you’ll be wrong infinitely more times before you graduate, so get used to it. Let’s dive in. Do: Make an appearance in chapel If you’re like me, you weren’t born with the stunning good looks and ...

Your Guide to Getting a Campus Job

by Madeline Mosher Last year, 1,600 Cedarville students worked on campus, according to Cedarville’s website’s Jobs on Campus page and human resources assistant Jennifer Cochran. If you’re interested in joining this legion of moneymakers, read on. You have an advantage over last year’s army, who, according to Cochran, didn’t have access to much student employment information online. To answer this problem, people from the Business Division, Enrollment Management, Web Services, ...

SGA President and Vice President Cultivate a Campus Community that is ‘Better Together’

by Shelby McGuire Meet your president and vice president of Student Government Association for the 2018-19 school year: Ryan Smith and Clara Costello. Smith and Costello ran their campaign unopposed, and claimed their new titles at the SGA election chapel last February. During Smith and Costello’s campaign, posters, T-shirts and stickers could be spotted around campus sporting the slogan “Better Together.” Smith said this is more than just a slogan, calling it an “anthem of Christian ...

Top Tips for a Healthy Roommate Relationship

by Breanna Beers When you first walked into your dorm and met your roommate, you may have had many initial reactions: “I really have to fit all my stuff into that?” “At least he/she smells OK.” “I wonder how hard it would really be to live out of my car?” Whether you knew your roommate before arriving at Cedarville or not, living in the same (very small) space as someone else requires an additional skill set beyond typical friendship. Every roommate relationship is different, but ...

Intro to Intramurals

by Tim Miller Did you think the glory days of your lackluster athletic career were over? Well, think again. You have the chance to enjoy the privilege of being a mediocre athlete once again through intramurals. Athletes ranging from those who claim they would’ve played in college had they not gotten hurt, to individuals who want an excuse to flirt with or impress a member of the opposite sex, are free to participate in intramurals. Regardless of your motive, you should join an intramural ...

Things To Do Before Graduation

by Paolo Carrion College won’t last forever. Even if the tests and lectures sometimes feel like a never-ending struggle, there will be a day when you look back on your time at The ’Ville and say “Wow, that was shorter than I expected. I wish I did more than watch Hulu in my dorm for four years straight.” So here’s a list of things you should do while you’re here. I’m not going to list the obvious things: running into the cornfields screaming in anguish because your theme ...

Just Sayin’ – Some More Unsolicited Advice For Ya

by Alex Hentschel “When I was a freshman, I talked like a freshman. Then I became an upperclassman, and I put aside my freshman ways.” — Cedarville Proverbs Welcome to college. Time to forget everything about your old life and who you used to be. It might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s actually crazy how you’re about to build a whole new identity for yourself with a group of people that you’ve never met before. It’s time to find out who you are. You’re like Ty from ...

Letter From the Editor

by Keegan D’Alfonso On behalf of the entire Cedars staff, allow me to welcome you to Cedarville University. This issue of Cedars is for you, the incoming freshmen. We hope to offer you a taste of student media, some helpful tips to get you started in this new life journey that is college and maybe a few biting jokes (sorry, even in college, upperclassmen like to pick on the freshies). You are about to start an amazing adventure here at Cedarville. College is a great opportunity to grow ...